First, the dull things.
Today is the day of the Physics Olympiad Camp. A total of 8 students went to the camp held at SAB and this leaves only 15 (minus Kanammal who was absent) students in class today.
In was quite a boring day, if you ask me.
The first 2 periods is Chemistry, so we proceeded to C2. Pn. Nafisah was absent today. Any other day, Pn. Chan would have entered the class, but she didn't today, because there were too little students in class and she didn't want to teach.
So we all did our own thing during this period.
It was during Chemistry that we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Xin Yi. It seemed to make her quite happy. ^_^
After Chemistry was PA. Teacher entered the class as usual. Pn. Mazlini said she actually wanted to teach about Kabinet and such, but we ended up doing an exercise on Graf Bar Komponen instead.
After PA was MUET. Pn. Wong returned to us the essay about Private Tuition that we handed in before. She wanted us to go up to her one by one, and she will tell us the weaknesses of our essays, and suggest ways to improve. When one student is in front, the rest of us can do anything we want. So it's like another free period.
After MUET, is recess, then KJ, then Physics. Mr. Thong was absent. So yet ANOTHER free period.
Because Chester and Vincent was not in the class when we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Xin Yi, they suggested that we sing the song again. So we did. 'Happy Birthday' take two!
That was what happened during school.
After school, at around 3.30 PM, a few of us walked to the KFC near Central Market, and we had a mini birthday party for Xin Yi.
The people present at the mini party today were: Xin Yi herself, Phui Moon, Kit Wei, Chee Lek, Heng Yen, Kuen Yong, and Pooi Sze (myself).
Xin Yi treated us to some chicken and we had a good time! We chit chatted and joked a bit while we ate, and all in all, it was a pleasant meal.
If you ask me what was the highlight of the party, I would have to say that it was when Kuen Yong swallowed a spoon. Well, we only suspected that he did, because the spoon can't go missing by itself, but still, a SPOON. A PLASTIC SPOON.
Here's what happened:
We were all happily enjoying our food, when suddenly Kuen Yong asked, "Where's my spoon?"
He looked around his plate, and couldn't find it. We looked around the whole table and STILL couldn't find the missing spoon.
All of us there saw how big an appetite he has, and someone suggested that maybe he ate the spoon.
By the laws of science, we concluded that: KUEN YONG ATE THE PLASTIC SPOON.
Until the plastic spoon in question is uncovered, this theory will remains as a FACT.
That is all I have to say. :)
Reported by Pooi Sze.